10 good reasons for our Gymnasium boarding
1. Individual recognition and promotion of potential (school and extracurricular)
Each person has an individual personality with their own ideas, preferences and many hidden abilities.
We, from the boarding Gymnasium Schloss-Schule, have made it our mission to recognize the potential of every student in order to promote it in the best possible way. For this we take one thing above all: a lot of time!
A motivating feel-good atmosphere, small classes, innovative concepts, individual support plans: Our boarding school offers what other schools do not offer. In this way, we are able to respond to the needs of each individual and help to overcome weaknesses and develop strengths.
Our goal at Gymnasium boarding is to prepare our students for life – personally and academically. We ensure this, among other things, through a wide range of support and development offers, for example through practice-oriented lessons, comprehensive homework supervision, remedial courses and many extracurricular offers.
In addition, our Gymnasium boarding offers several opportunities for lateral entry: Secondary school graduates or young people with comparable educational qualifications can enter the 10th grade of the Schloss-Schule without knowledge of a second foreign language and after two years obtain the Fachhochschulreife (written part) or after three years the general university entrance qualification (Abitur).
2. A special feel-good atmosphere in school and boarding
The Schloss-Schule is anything but an ordinary school. At our boarding, students can look forward to a warm atmosphere, committed teachers and supervisors as well as an ideal living and learning environment.
We are convinced that optimal academic performance is only possible under optimal conditions. At the boarding school, we ensure an ideal balance between learning and life through a variety of leisure activities, many sports activities and people of trust who are always available.
We want to offer children and young people a place where they can feel at home – with all the rights and rules. For us, a lived togetherness, the joint achievement of goals and the good feeling of feeling in good hands are our top priorities.
3. Structured daily routine at the boarding school
The aim of the boarding-Gymnasium Schloss-Schule Kirchberg is to exemplify responsibility for children and young people – through clear structures and the best possible support both at school and in everyday life.
We want each of our students to find support and orientation. That's why each of our teachers and supervisors tries to support our students in finding their own best way. On this basis, new perspectives for later life open up.
4. Harmonious coexistence of local and boarding school students
In our boarding Gymnasium Schloss-Schule Kirchberg, the world meets – and the world meets the Schloss-Schule Kirchberg. The special attraction lies in the cooperation of about 2/3 local students from Kirchberg and the surrounding area and about 1/3 boarding school students from all over Germany, Europe and overseas. At our boarding in Baden-Württemberg, children and young people from Germany, China, Spain, France, Italy, Poland and other countries meet – and become good friends.
This interesting mix of different cultures guarantees a lively exchange with each other, which in turn promotes understanding, openness and tolerance.
5. boarding and Gymnasium offer a wide range of leisure activities
A healthy mind is known to live in a healthy body. That's why there are numerous leisure activities in the boarding Gymnasium Schloss-Schule and in the surrounding area to let off steam, switch off or regenerate.
Our students can work creatively and artistically (e.g. in the school's own "Culture & Workshop Centre") as well as in sports, socially or musically – for example in the numerous school-owned working groups.
6. Rural-idyllic surroundings and optimal transport connections
In Kirchberg and the surrounding area , the world is a little more idyllic than elsewhere. Landscape, culture and the local people form a unique framework in which our students can develop optimally at school and personally away from the noise of the big city.
At the same time, Kirchberg is well connected to the southern German transport network; nothing stands in the way of a weekend visit, a trip or a short break in Kirchberg.
7. Cosmopolitan reform pedagogy with lived internationality
Our boarding Gymnasium Schloss-Schule Kirchberg is a member of the renowned association "Die Internate Vereinigung" and we are proud of our reform pedagogical roots!
This means that at our boarding school you meet in a cosmopolitan, undogmatic and free of prejudices. Here, the children and young people are in the foreground as personalities – regardless of religious affiliation, nation or gender.
The boarding Gymnasium has set itself the task of specifically promoting and challenging students with their unique abilities and abilities.
8. Advantages of a private school – optimal framework conditions
The decision for a private school is usually made quite consciously. Although the same legal framework conditions apply here as for public schools, we can also set our own accents on topics such as evaluation, personnel management and goal orientation.
In addition, it is boarding possible for our Gymnasium to offer an excellent teacher-student quota and thus significantly smaller classes; in this way, our students receive optimal support from committed specialists.
Since the boarding school is supported by a non-profit foundation, parents can be sure that the school fees will only be used for the best possible education and care of our students.
9. Very good school & boarding school infrastructure, as well as excellent catering
From their first day at the Gymnasium boarding Schloss-Schule Kirchberg, the children and young people, whether as local or boarding school students, have access to modern teaching materials, high-quality facilities and age-appropriate catering with delicious, fresh ingredients from the region.
The buildings of the Gymnasium boarding are either recently built or modernized and excellently maintained. In connection with the people who work here every day with heart and passion for the well-being of our students, this unique school and boarding school atmosphere is created at our Gymnasium boarding, which old students still rave about even after decades.
10. Intensive study and career orientation at the Gymnasium boarding
Since it is already important to think outside the box during school and to deal with how things can continue after school, we also support our students beyond school topics with intensive preparation for later professional life.
Be it in the sense of career orientation with various internships and career information evenings, tests for self-assessment, learning from writing cover letters and CVs, to training for job interviews or recruitment tests.
Wir haben an unserer Internatsschule allumfassende, jahrgangsübergreifende Unterstützungskonzepte, mit denen wir unsere Schüler*innen bestmöglich auf das spätere Leben vorbereiten möchten. Bei diesem Vorhaben unterstützen uns zudem unsere Kooperationspartner, beispielsweise einige Firmen in unserer Umgebung, sowie die Bundesagentur für Arbeit.