Team & Support

Our boarding school support team – or:

it's the mix that counts...

Our boarding school students are looked after by a team of educators from different professional and geographical backgrounds.

There are youth and home educators as well as social pedagogues with a purely educational view of the young people. In addition, there are the school mentors, whose task it is to keep an eye on the school things of the students, especially the grades. They help and support through encouraging conversations and through the targeted promotion and organization of tutoring, etc.

Regular meetings in the college, joint work in school development teams and ongoing supervision events ensure a high degree of reflection and continuous further development of our educational work.

The educators and pedagogues are supported by interns from different backgrounds, preliminary and recognition interns in educator training as well as assistant teachers from England, France or the USA.

Dr. Peter Nikolaus – Altschüler und Internist

Wir sind sehr schnell zur Selbständigkeit erzogen worden, hatten aber trotzdem immer nahbare Ansprechpartner, die für uns da waren. Die Fähigkeit, sich zu organisieren und alleine zurechtzukommen, ist ein wesentlicher Einfluss, der mich ein Leben lang begleitet.
Außerdem kann ich aus eigener Erfahrung sagen, dass ein Internat und die Schule auch weiterhin eine Art Familienersatz sein können.

At our boarding school, everyone will find their specific reference person

In our colorful team of educators, every student in our boarding school finds their very own reference person, a contact person in special situations who always has a role model function. Optimal conditions for a reliable and trusting relationship. Above all, because this reference person is always there to help and advise. This mentor is also the parents' first point of contact for all questions and challenges.

"The role of the environment is not to shape the child, but to allow it to express itself."

Maria Montessori

Wichtig ist uns, dass ein Teil unserer Erzieher*innen auf dem Gelände wohnt. Sie leben für sich in eigenen Wohnungen, aber in der Nähe der von ihnen betreuten Jugendlichen.

Boarding school staff with a wide range of additional qualifications

In addition to the necessary professional qualifications, many of our employees often also have experience from other fields of activity and enrich everyday life in school and boarding with their special knowledge, skills and abilities by offering working groups, projects and experiential educational activities.

The most important concern of our mentors is the well-being and development of their protégés. Her goal is to create an atmosphere of trust for every child in which the children can feel comfortable and develop.

Internatsmentorin Nicole Lindinger:

Originally I studied graphic design and ran my own graphic design office for over 20 years until I started as a career changer here in the boarding. At first I just wanted to do something different in my everyday life, but when the opportunity presented itself at the Schloss-Schule, I immediately jumped on it. One of my best decisions, which I have not regretted for a moment. For five years now, I have been working exclusively as a mentor in the Rosenhaus and love working with my girls. In order to be prepared in terms of training, I decided to study social pedagogy for 5 semesters. At the same time, I began my training as a systemic pedagogue and consultant, which I will soon complete as a systemic family, adolescent and child therapist. It is my heart's desire that a familiar, secure environment is created for the girls in our house and that they feel comfortable with us.

Boarding with "all-round carefree package"

We like to casually refer to our boarding school offer as our “all-round carefree package”. With this we want to express that we feel responsible for our boarding school students in all matters. Be it a doctor's visit, driving school, train station transfer or whatever is pending - we'll take care of it. We have our own boarding service for this purpose - as well as a small fleet of vehicles consisting of school buses and a car that can be used for all such journeys.

All processes, appointments and trips are controlled and coordinated by our boarding school staff or the responsible mentor.

Prinzipiell gib es bei uns alle zwei Wochen ein Heimfahrwochenende, jedoch bieten wir auch eine Wochenend- und Ferienbetreuung an. Speziell auch für unsere internationalen Internatsschüler, die nicht die Möglichkeit haben, über das Wochenende nach Hause zu fahren, bieten wir eine lückenlose Betreuung und somit einen durchgängigen Betrieb an, natürlich auch mit Versorgung und Freizeitprogramm. Das heißt, die Fahrten nach Hause können bei uns sehr individuell gehandhabt und abgesprochen werden, was für viele Familien auch in Deutschland ein großer Vorteil ist. Lediglich in den Weihnachts- und Sommerferien hat unser Internat geschlossen.