School infrastructure and equipment
The Schloss-Schule Kirchberg lives from and for development – not only in the pedagogical field, but also in the infrastructure. It is one of our most important concerns to keep the premises of our school and our grounds always well maintained and in good condition, to regularly renovate and modernize. This is the only way we can live up to our claim of a feel-good school.
The outdoor area of our castle school
Here you can find a few impressions of our school grounds with its entire outdoor area.

Technical Director Thomas Franz:
With us, there is never a standstill during the holidays. The time is used intensively to exchange furniture, renovate, rebuild and keep everything in good condition – be it the technology, the grounds, the rooms or even the sanitary facilities of the school. Another school building is also being built to create new premises for our students. An appealing learning environment is very important to us.
Our school building with dining room
For a first impression, some rooms of our school are shown here, as well as the dining room with our freshly cooked, delicious food. More information about our culinary supply can be found here. You can also visit our school building digitally via our virtual tour .
As part of the ongoing digitization, we have reconsidered and redesigned our media equipment in all rooms of our school. Among other things, all rooms in our high school were equipped with a projector.
In the course level in particular, which also deals with video analysis in the foreign languages, a document camera, a fixed laptop and a better sound system were purchased in addition to the existing projectors in order to be able to transmit the multimedia impressions to our students in the best possible way.
In addition to the already existing 3D printer, we now have two fully equipped laptop trolleys with 12 - 20 laptops available for use in the natural sciences and other subjects, as well as several handy iPad cases for research in the classroom and also a digital board or notebook. "Whiteboard". Our teachers also all have work iPads.
Overview of our IT equipment:
- a work laptop in each classroom
- school intranet
- Switchable, high-performance school WLAN
- several iPad cases for school
- Dokumentenkameras
- Multimedia room at school
- 3D Drucker
- Multitouchdisplays
- "Bring your own device" offer at school
We have thus taken the first step towards a modern and true-to-life school, so that in future every Schloss student can conduct research on the Internet, plan projects digitally and work collaboratively with other schoolmates. The secondary school’s substitution plan is also projected into the school building via a monitor for our students and for all teachers and educators so that we can react more quickly to changing circumstances.
True to the motto "not everything that is technically feasible makes sense", our focus for our students is on the Schloss-Schule Kirchberg, of course, also in conveying a meaningful and responsible use of media in their free time.
To this end, we conducted a media usage experiment in our boarding together with a university. Our goal is to bring the media closer to the media in an age-appropriate way both in school and in boarding and to deal with them critically.
We will continue to keep an eye on technical innovations in the future in order to adapt and further develop our options accordingly.
Contact Person:
- School network administrator and responsible for iServ: Jens Beeck
- IT Manager: Behrang Fekrazadeh
- Headmaster, multimedia consultant, iPad manager, network administrator and head of computer science: Alexander Franz