School exchange, school trips & excursions
Throughout the school years, we offer a range of day trips, excursions, student exchanges and school trips. For us, learning does not only mean sitting in the classroom, learning also means learning to live and experience. Here our students can discover the world, gain experience and thus get to know themselves.
Social learning also plays an important role in travel and excursions. You travel without parents, experience the class community in a different way and get to know your classmates better – experiential educational activities promote the class community, detached from the teaching situation.
Through excursions at our boarding school, among other things, school-specific, subject-specific content is taught, be it, for example, the European basic idea or linguistic exchange. Numerous international friendships can be made and have already been formed.
Students of our high school always let you see through one thing: Excursions and trips are highlights in the school career, something that you still like to remember years later, because they are simply fun!
In addition to many small excursions (museums, theaters, concerts, exhibitions, galleries and much more), here are the planned class trips of our boarding Gymnasium sorted by grade level:
Class 5/6 Schullandheim: Rappenhof / Schapbachhof
Class 7 Trip to England
Class 8 France Exchange
Class 10 Poland Exchange
Class 11 course trips
(The Schloss-Schul-Verein also supports here with scholarships)
School partnership
With our Polish partner school in Bielsko-Biala, we are connected by a school partnership that has existed for over 25 years, from which a real school friendship has emerged. Already 3 years after its foundation, the first students of the V. Lyceum came to us. In return, we experienced and experience the warm hospitality in our neighboring country.
Against the background of german-Polish history, the students actually live and experience reconciliation and understanding during their visits to Kirchberg and Bielsko-Biala. Due to the annual constant visits, the exchange between the V. Lyceum and the Schloss-Schule has become part of the self-image of both schools in the meantime.
In addition, there is a regular student exchange with partner schools in France.