School and boarding school admission and taster days

Admission procedure school and boarding

Sich vorab gründlich über unsere Schule mit Internat und die gebotenen Möglichkeiten bei uns zu informieren ist wichtig, aber nur ein erster Schritt. Entscheidend ist - und dies hat unsere Erfahrung immer wieder gezeigt - dass sich Eltern und Schüler*innen vor Ort ein Bild über unsere Schule mit Internat mit all‘ ihren Möglichkeiten machen!

Previous school grades are not the only deciding factor

Also important to know: The grades of the previously attended primary school, the previously attended Realschule, Werkrealschule or the Gymnasium are certainly in the focus of the first contact, but they do not necessarily have priority importance at first. Rather, the personal conversation plays a central role for us. We want to get to know the child or adolescent and his family personally and get a comprehensive picture in order to shape a positive development of the child together later.

A path does not always run straight as a candle, sometimes it can be bumpy - no matter for what reason. Then active action is required to bring this path into a new path. Here we see ourselves in an advisory and supporting capacity in order to find an individual and best possible school solution for each child.

Barbara Borchers – Altschülerin & Vorstandsmitglied des Schloss-Schul-Vereins

Ich durfte hier eine wunderschöne Kindheit und Jugend erleben. Außerdem bin ich dankbar für meine gute Schulbildung, die ich erhalten habe und für die vielen wunderbaren Menschen, die ich durch die Schloss-Schule kennenlernen durfte und bis heute noch zu vielen Kontakt habe. Das ist wirklich etwas ganz Besonderes für mich.
Sehr gerne will ich die jungen Menschen ermutigen, sich etwas zuzutrauen und etwas zu wagen. Auch wenn man mal scheitert ist dies nichts Schlimmes und es geht immer weiter!

Guided tour of school and boarding

During a detailed conversation and a guided tour through our houses and over our extensive grounds, there is also the opportunity to feel whether students and parents can feel comfortable at our school and in our boarding. For a first insight, click here for our virtual tour.

Taster days at our boarding school - because it has to fit!

If all those involved immediately come to the conclusion after the discussions that a visit to our boarding school is the right thing to do Schloss-Schule Kirchberg, a contract is concluded - and the new phase of life for the child can begin directly with us.

Just live for a rehearsal – in the boarding

Ist noch eine gewisse Unsicherheit zu verspüren oder möchte das Kind erst einmal den Alltag und Ablauf eines Internats kennenlernen, gibt es für Internatsschüler*innen die Möglichkeit des Probewohnens. Dies bedeutet, über drei bis fünf Tage am Leben im Internat teilzuhaben, um die notwendige Gewissheit zu erhalten, dass die Schloss-Schule ein wichtiger Wegbegleiter bei der zukünftigen Entwicklung sein kann. Nicht umsonst lautet unser Motto „Wohlfühlen ist die Basis. Individueller Erfolg das Ziel“.

Local students also have the opportunity to test the Schloss-Schule

Of course, this also applies to the children who do not live in the boarding - our local students! They are also welcome to attend our lessons for a few days in small classes with individual support and many working groups for rehearsal.

Schloss-Schule Kirchberg: The recording possibilities

In principle, a admission as a boarding school or as a local student is possible throughout the school year!

High school

We offer students with a wide variety of school careers the opportunity to attend the Gymnasium der Schloss-Schule Kirchberg. In addition to the transition students from primary school, of course, also high school students from other schools. In addition, it is also possible for Waldorf and Secondary school students as well as for pupils who have attended a school abroad under certain conditions to continue their school path with us at the Gymnasium of the Schoss-Schule Kirchberg.

Elementary, Realschule, Werkrealschule or vocational school branches

We also offer students the opportunity to visit the public primary, Secondary and Secondary schools in the area with which we cooperate. In addition, it is possible to attend vocational schools.
Since the admission and the associated details to be clarified are very individual, it makes sense to address this at the first contact.

We offer the individually suitable branch of school

In a first contact meeting, we discuss the possibilities of an ideal schooling of your child. Whether grammar school, primary or secondary school, the following always applies: The fulfillment of the formal requirements is one side, but much more important is that the students see life in the boarding as an opportunity to develop personally in a wide variety of areas and want to contribute their part to it.

For information and questions about the admission, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Jana Gundel

Erstkontakt Schüleraufnahme & Eventmanagement

Eva Krewenka

Head of admission