Facts & Figures of the Schloss-Schule

School type

State-approved grammar school and boarding
Founding member of the boarding school association "Die Internate Vereinigung" (successor organisation of the Vereinigung Deutscher Landerziehungsheime) and member of the Verband Deutscher Privatschulen e.V. (VdP)

Boarding special

Boarding school students can also attend the public primary, Werkreal, Hauptschule and Realschulen in the area with which we cooperate. In addition, it is possible to attend vocational schools.


Above the romantic Jagst valley on the "Windshöhe" of the small town of Kirchberg an der Jagst in rural Hohenlohe


Reform pedagogical approach - ideologically open
Targeted identification of potential in combination with comprehensive promotion of potential in the school and non-school sector

  • ab Klasse 5: Englisch
  • ab Klasse 6: Französisch / Latein
  • ab Klasse 8: Spanisch als Profilfach (auch NwT oder Bildende Kunst möglich)
  • ab Klasse 10: Französisch / Spanisch (als spätbeginnende Fremdsprache)
  • Science & Technology
  • Visual arts
  • Spanisch

Culture (especially theatre), music, crafts and design

Special offers

Realschuleaufsetzer (young people with an intermediate level of education without previous knowledge of a second foreign language can obtain the Fachhochschulreife or the Allgemeine Hochschulreife)
SKIL model (class 5-9)
10 plus model

School support

Homework supervision
Remedial courses (correspondingly. Individual plan)
Basic courses (correspondingly) Individual plan)
Individual tutoring/support (correspondingly. Individual plan)

Exchange/ school trips

Class 5/6 Schullandheim: Rappenhof / Schapbachhof
Class 7 England Trip
Class 8 France Exchange
Class 9 Internship
Class 10 Poland Exchange
Class 11 course trips
(The Schloss-Schul-Verein also supports here with scholarships)

Upper School Offers (Grades 11 & 12)

Leistungsfächer (5-stündig):
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Latein, Geschichte, Gemeinschaftskunde, Geographie, Wirtschaft, Mathematik, Physik, Biologie, Chemie, Kunst, Ethik, Musik (je nach Schülerwahl)

Basic subjects (3 hours):
German, English, French, Latin, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry (depending on student choice)

Basic subjects (2 hours):
Art, Music, History, Community Studies, Geography, Religion, Ethics, Sports (depending on student choice)

Elective area (2 hours):
Computer Science, Psychology, Philosophy, Literature and Theatre, Astronomy, Descriptive Geometry (depending on student choice)

Elective area (3 hours):
Seminar Course


In jedem Klassenzimmer ein Arbeitslaptop, Schuleigenes Intranet, Hochleistungsfähiges WLAN, mehrere IPad Koffer, Whiteboard, Dokumentenkameras, Multimediaraum, 3D Drucker, Multitouchdisplays

Number of pupils

Rund 100 Internatsschüler
Rund 230 Ortsschüler

Pond with a wooden bridge
Class size

Average 17 students


Around 60

Employees total

Over 100


ELISA (Parent, Teacher, Boarding, Student Working Group) brings various departments, interest groups and areas of the Schloss-Schule even closer together. The aim of ELISA is to develop joint and interlocking proposals for school development processes.


Wide range of inclination groups and working groups (for example: riding, theatre, orchestra, choir, classical ballet / modern dance, medical club, football, drumline, basketball, chess, street food & Co AG, climbing,...)

Offer for local students

Full-day offer with lunch, leisure activities and homework supervision possible

Infrastructure special

Own kitchen with delicious offer of homemade, fresh dishes made from predominantly regional ingredients

Eigene Lern- & Kulturwerkstatt mit breitem kreativem und handwerklichem Angebot.

Large outdoor area around the Schloss-Schule (with its own animal husbandry)

Transport connection

Motorway proximity (approx. 5 km) with excellent connections to the southern German conurbations, very good train connections from nearby Crailsheim;
Boarding school's own transport service; Bus connections via the Roundabout Schwäbisch Hall