At the beginning of the decision-making process for the school or for the boarding of the Schloss-Schule Kirchberg, there are always a number of questions that experience has shown to be very important for an initial classification. A summary of the most frequently asked questions and answers is therefore compiled here. In addition, we are of course personally available at any time for questions and advice!


Grammar school
We offer students who have so far completed a wide variety of school careers the opportunity to visit the Schloss-Schule. In addition to high school students, Waldorf and Secondary School students as well as pupils who attend school abroad have the opportunity to continue their school path with us under certain conditions.

Primary, Secondary, Werkrealschule or vocational school branches
We also offer students the opportunity to visit the public primary, Secondary and Secondary schools in the area with which we cooperate. In addition, it is possible to attend vocational schools.
Since the admission and the associated details to be clarified are very individual, it makes sense to address this at the first contact.

Regardless of whether it is a grammar school, vocational school branches, primary school, Werkrealschule or Realschule, the following applies: The fulfilment of the formal requirements is one side, but it is much more important that the students see life in the boarding as an opportunity to develop personally in a wide variety of areas and want to contribute their part to this.

For information and advice please do not hesitate to contact:

Jana Gundel

Erstkontakt Schüleraufnahme & Eventmanagement


The Schloss-Schule Kirchberg is a boarding and state-approved grammar school in independent sponsorship. It is supported by the non-profit foundation under civil law, the foundation Schloss-Schule Kirchberg an der Jagst (foundation register no. 0563), which uses the non-profit GmbH Schloss-Schule Kirchberg (Ulm District Court, HRB 690267) to manage the business.

The foundation's organs are the foundation's board of directors and the board of trustees. All offices of the foundation are run on a voluntary basis. The foundation is subject to the supervision of the Regional Council of Stuttgart. The Schloss-Schule Kirchberg Foundation is the shareholder of Schloss-Schule Kirchberg GmbH. The GmbH is managed in accordance with the guidelines of the GmbH Act and supervised by the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.

Foundation Schloss-Schule Kirchberg an der Jagst

The purpose of the foundation is to manage the Schloss-Schule Kirchberg in direct or indirect sponsorship. According to its statutes, it pursues the goal of educating cosmopolitan, independent and democratic people by supporting work in schools and boarding and the targeted promotion of the education of castle pupils, children and young people.
The foundation pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes.

More information can be found here.

Since we accept students throughout the year, a change in itself is always and always feasible. However, depending on the individual case, it may make sense to start at the beginning of the school year, to change during the year at the half-year or as quickly as possible. If there is uncertainty, we will be happy to advise you on when a change would be best for your child. Contact us at any time without obligation !

The following keywords best describe our atmosphere:

  • Familiar
  • Down-to-earth
  • Cosmopolitan
  • Feel-good climate
  • Esteem
  • Warmth

But just come by in person, get to know us and get an impression for yourself! We look forward to seeing you!

We have around 330 students with us, of which about 100 boarding school students and 230 students from Kirchberg and the surrounding communities.

All new boarding school students are initially assigned a so-called sponsor. This sponsor is a student who is about the same age, has similar interests and has been at the Schloss-Schule for some time. This mentor is then available as a contact person, helps to get used to and get to know existing processes. In our experience, this sponsorship concept is very successful, as it is often easier for students, especially at the beginning, to get help from their peers and ask questions.

In addition, our mentors are also available around the clock in the boarding. Each boarding school student has a mentor responsible for her and each boarding school student has a mentor responsible for him. These trusted persons are always available for all concerns, worries and problems of any kind and are of course also available to the parents as contact.

Even after the change of school from primary school to grammar school, every student in the 5th grade has a sponsor from grade 10 as a contact person.

Of course, our experienced class teachers actively help with the acclimatization in school and take care of their protégés intensively. Of course, special attention is paid to the newly added students.

In addition to the individual design of the classroom as a feel-good room, another advantage for settling in is the small class size with an average of 17 students.

In addition, a counseling teacher is available at the school with "help and advice". Students and parents can contact them at any time free of charge (be it in case of problems in the personal environment, settling in problems, conflicts, learning problems or other matters). All information will of course be treated confidentially.

Our ultimate goal is to make our students feel comfortable with us!

Of course, there is always the possibility to view our school and the boarding without obligation. In addition to a conversation with our school and boarding school management, you and your family can get to know everything better during a tour of school and boarding and determine whether you and your child could feel comfortable with us!

Call us at any time and make an appointment! We are looking forward to your visit!

We don't have a dress code at school, but there are certain rules that must be followed.

We do not have a school uniform, but we do have school clothes with our logo on them (T-shirts, sweaters, polo shirts, sweatpants, caps, etc.) that students can wear on a voluntary basis in the boarding.

An overview of our costs for local and boarding school students can be found here.

Partial scholarships are awarded under certain conditions. There are different types of scholarships that we give:

  • Merit scholarship

  • Social grant

  • Equestrian Scholarship

  • Island Talent Scholarship

  • Amalie-Pfündel-Scholarship of the Schloss-Schul-Verein

A detailed explanation of the different types of scholarships can be found here .

The foundation Schloss-Schule Kirchberg an der Jagst uses the non-profit GmbH Schloss-Schule Kirchberg to manage the Schloss-Schule Kirchberg . The charitable purpose of this society is reflected above all in the fact that generated surpluses are used to the greatest possible extent for the granting of partial or complete scholarships to students of the Schloss-Schule Kirchberg.

Aus dem Kreise unserer Elternschaft, Freunde, Kooperations-Partner, dem Altschülerkreis und sonstigen Gönnern, erhalten wir einmalige oder regelmäßige Zustiftungen. Diese Gelder versetzen uns in die Lage, Kindern und Jugendlichen aus allen Einkommensschichten den Besuch der Schloss-Schule mit Hilfe von Stipendien zu ermöglichen. Durch dieses solidarische Verhalten unserer Zustifter kann jedes Kind und jeder Jugendliche eine Chance bekommen, die es dann zu nutzen gilt! Sie möchten an unsere gemeinnützige Stiftung spenden? Gerne können Sie sich an unseren Stiftungsvorstand wenden oder Sie nutzen bitte folgende Bankverbindung:

Bank details of the non-profit foundation Schloss-Schule Kirchberg:
Sparkasse SHA-Crailsheim
Account no.: 3804 179
Bank code: 622 500 30
IBAN: DE21 6225 0030 0003 8041 79

The Schloss-Schul-Verein is the association of old students, parents and friends of the Schloss-Schule Kirchberg. The Schloss-Schul-Verein promotes the cohesion of the former students and supports the boarding-Gymnasium in Kirchberg in all matters both ideologically and materially.

Thanks to the generous support of the Schloss-Schul-Verein, for example, a climbing forest has been built for our students in recent years and a Steinway grand piano has been purchased for our musicians.

The Schloss-Schul-Verein awards prizes, promotes special projects in schools, boarding and "fabrik" and awards several scholarships every year for which students from all over Germany can apply.

Questions regarding membership and donations should be addressed to the board of the Schloss-Schul-Verein.

Mailing address:
Schulstr. 4
D-74592 Kirchberg/Jagst
info@~@schloss schule.de

Bank account:
Sparkasse SHA-Crailsheim
Account No.: 3804 148
Bank code: 622 500 30
IBAN: DE82 6225 0030 0003 8041 48

Thank you very much for your support!


Our Schloss-Schule is ideologically open and has a reform pedagogical approach.

This means that in the Schloss-Schule you meet each other in a cosmopolitan, undogmatic way and free of prejudices. Here, the children and young people are in the foreground as personalities - regardless of religious affiliation, nation or gender.

We rely on a holistic education of the students with "head, heart and hand", according to the reform pedagogical approach.

We offer a targeted recognition of potential in combination with a comprehensive promotion of potential in the school and extracurricular area.

The Schloss-Schule has a scientific or artistic profile and offers theatre, music, crafts and design in the elective area.

We currently have an average class size of 17 students. The maximum size is 20 students per class.

Individual lessons are important to us! Each child should be perceived and supported individually.

In large classes, children and parents often face the problem that the individual child is lost in the class. It receives no attention and its possibly existing difficulties are not perceived and cannot be perceived. This can quickly create a vicious circle. We break through this by consciously keeping our classes small and taking into account each child with his or her different needs!

Yes, in addition to lessons in small classes, we offer individual support tailored to the child .

In order to be able to optimally support students in their development, it is first of all important to assess them correctly both academically and extracurricularly. Only a student-oriented support can be a successful promotion. That is why we at the Schloss-Schule attach great importance to a comprehensive recognition of potential, which the individual student sees and accepts in all facets. Only on such a basis can targeted support and holistic promotion be provided.

Purely school support includes:

  • Homework assistance
  • Remedial courses (correspondingly. Individual plan)
  • Basic courses (according to individual plan)
  • Individual tutoring/support (correspondingly. Individual plan)

Yes, we offer homework supervision for the children of grades 5-7, which takes place directly after the lessons after a lunch break.

In the boarding school area, there is a daily working hour of about 1.5 hours, in which the homework is done under supervision and possible control and support by appropriate specialist teachers.

In the last school year, less than 3% of our school hours were missed. In other school years, the numbers are similarly low. This is due to our special "school hours cancellation concept", with which even longer replacement phases - for example in the case of parental leave replacements - can be easily controlled.

School hours can thus be 100% excluded in the lower school, so that we can give students and parents a care guarantee.

  • Participation of grade 8 in the nationwide action day "Girls' and Boys' Day"
  • BOGY in class 9 (career and study orientation at high school)
  • Application training
  • Assessment Center
  • Career guidance in cooperation with the Federal Employment Agency in grades 10 and 12 (including individual appointments)
  • Participation of the students of the course level II in the nationwide university day for the upper school
  • Career information evening for the course level by the Schloss-Schul-Verein (with regional companies, universities and old students who talk about their professional vita)
  • Possibility of a voluntary individual counseling of the students of the upper school by the Schloss-Schul-Verein (SOBS-Strengths-Oriented Career and Study Counseling)
  • "Get a taste" of various professional fields at prestigious companies in the area with which the Schloss-Schule cooperates

More information


In principle, every two weeks is a "home weekend". If, for example, it is desired at the beginning of the change that the student goes home every weekend, we are happy to offer this option.

Since we also have some international students with us, our boarding is open on all weekends and "round-the-clock care" is possible at any time if a trip home is not possible.

Of course, our students are brought to the train station by the boarding school's own transport service and picked up again.

You are welcome to plan together with us individually and flexibly!

Every school year there is a so-called "AG-Börse" at the beginning. Here all teachers and educators present their leisure activities that are offered this school year. The students can register what they are interested in and of course change again if necessary, should they decide to do so. Our leisure activities are made up of various sporting, musical, cultural, artisanal and artistic offers, so that there is something for everyone. In addition, we have a boarding school gym, a sauna and some external cooperations with clubs (e.g. the dance center in Kirchberg, the Kirchberg sports club).

And basically the motto applies to us: We try to make everything possible! If a student has a hobby that is not covered by us, we will try to make it possible! So do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

Our current leisure activities can be found here!

Of course, the use of media is subject to certain rules. These depend on the age group and the grade level of the children. Individual arrangements are possible within the framework.

Since the Schloss-Schule has its own modern kitchen with dining room and the food is freshly prepared every day , it is possible for us to respond to individual wishes, diets, allergies and intolerances. In addition to breakfast and sandwiches during the break, there is a 3-course menu every lunch (always with a vegetarian alternative). In addition, there is a dinner for our students and sandwiches in the late evening.

A special feature are also the so-called "formal dinners", which take place about four times a year in the evening. Everyone goes to this event dressed festively and there is a chic 3-course meal in the evening along with the whole boarding. This takes place, for example, as part of a Thanksgiving dinner with turkey and sweet potatoes or the Chinese New Year with various Chinese dishes.

We have various residential units on our premises. In the "Wiesenhaus" our younger children live mixed up to grade 7. From grade 8, there are separate residential buildings on the premises for girls and boys. In each residential building, educators (for the boys) and educators (for the girls) are available around the clock in separate residential units.

The living areas within the individual buildings (e.B. individual corridors) are staggered according to student age. In all buildings there is a common area with sofa and TV and all buildings have their own, modern and also communal kitchen. The showers (of course separated) and toilets are also shared.

A special feature that exists both in the girls' building and in the boys' building are the penthouses. These are built like a small shared apartment, you have your own small kitchen and your own small bathroom. In order to live here, you have to submit an application and meet certain requirements.

In general, we take great care to ensure that all our buildings are and remain in very good condition. All common rooms are cleaned regularly, renovations and modernizations are carried out again and again in order to be able to offer all students a place where they feel comfortable and secure!

More information and pictures of all residential buildings.

In general, we are designed for 2-bed rooms in our boarding, but there are also possibilities for a single room in individual cases. With the high school graduates, we try to make it possible for everyone to get a single room, so that they have the opportunity to learn intensively and undisturbed in their final year.

And don't worry, with us no student is simply "put" into the room with another. Our students have the right of co-determination and can choose their roommate. Our goal is for everyone to feel comfortable in our boarding!

The boarding school students entrusted to us come with the aim of completing an adequate school leaving certificate and developing themselves personally. A regular daily routine, in which work and leisure phases alternate, should provide the external structure to achieve these goals. At lunch together, where there is a fixed seating arrangement, there is an opportunity to discuss current events in the groups or to announce them for everyone at the end.

The working hour and the silent hour are mandatory for all boarding school students. During these times, the student must have the opportunity to work undisturbed. This is ensured by the supervising teachers and mentors.

Click here for our daily routine in the boarding.