Sponsor of the boarding school
of the Schloss-Schule KirchbergFoundation Schloss-Schule Kirchberg an der Jagst
The purpose of the foundation is to manage the Schloss-Schule Kirchberg in direct or indirect sponsorship. According to its statutes, it pursues the goal of educating children and young people to become cosmopolitan, independent and democratic people by supporting work in schools and boarding and the targeted promotion of the education of castle pupils.
The foundation pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes.
The foundation is managed by the foundation board and is supervised and advised in its tasks by the board of trustees.
Board of Trustees | Jürgen Scharch (Chairman) Alexander Franz (Deputy Chairman) |
Kuratoriumsvorstand | Nora Legittimo (Vorsitzende) Tina Hofmann-Meyer (stellv. Vorsitzende) Dr. Peter Gutöhrle Joachim Weber |
Other members | Thomas Franz Friedrich Franz-Gerstein Rainer Horn Dr. Jörg Lüdtke Anita Lutz BM Stefan Ohr Jochen Rochlitzer Martin Probst-Kaiser |
Schloss-Schule Kirchberg at Jagst GmbH
The foundation Schloss-Schule Kirchberg an der Jagst uses the non-profit GmbH Schloss-Schule Kirchberg to manage the Schloss-Schule Kirchberg. The non-profit purpose of this society is reflected above all in the fact that generated surpluses are used to the greatest possible extent for the granting of partial or entire scholarships to students of the Schloss-Schule Kirchberg.
Management | Jürgen Scharch (Managing Director) |
Shareholder | Foundation Schloss-Schule Kirchberg an der Jagst |